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Customised software
for swim schools

Because running a swimming school
is complicated

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Easier, more efficient swim school administration

Integrate your ecommerce website, member's areas, teacher's portal and administration tools

By integrating, streamlining and automating processes such as membership management, scheduling, and billing, a significant amount of administration time, otherwise be spent on manual tasks can be saved .

This allows swim schools to focus on delivering a better experience to their members, improve their overall operations and maximize their productivity.

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Features to connect and improve the experiences of customers, teachers and swim course administration


Routines have been simplied, repetition avoided and tasks offloaded where possible


Information has been deeply connected and linked, provinding flows and filters so all users can benefit


System actions or states are triggered by specific conditions and/or times

Integrated e-commerce website

A customised and branded website that directly connects to your administration tools
  • Open for business 24/7
  • Designed and branded for your buisness
  • Gathers customer info to inform your database
  • Integrate e-commerce to administration database
  • Automatic stock control
  • Device Responsive
  • Familiar online payment mechanics

Membership Area

Customers log in to access all of their upcoming lessons, swimmer progression, awards history and more.
  • Accessibles 24/7
  • High visibility upcoming lesson dates
  • Branding is maintained - same site - no confusion
  • Personal activity and payments history
  • Personal rewards and certificates
  • Account Information informs database and vice versa
  • Swimmer medical information follows the swimmer on admin and teacher portals

Teacher Portal

Each teacher can directly inform the system about their course lessons from their own device
  • Mark student attendence and progress
  • Assess students against curriculum criteria
  • Mark student suitablability for level progression
  • Create end of term reports
  • Allocate graduation certificates
  • Send assessments, reports and certs to user accounts
  • At a glance notes on students (contact info and medical notes)
  • Daily reporting on the pool and environment

Daily Admin Features

Get and supply the correct information as fast as possible
  • Easy Term & Course Creation
  • Term Management (scheduling, forecasting)
  • E-Commerce Management (creating of term calendars and course products to sell online)
  • Automatic Labelling of Customer Statuses
  • Easily cater for the arrival of new customer (new joiners / new accounts) and the retaining of existing customers
  • Quickly filter and search for users and swimmers
  • Create accounts and swimmers
  • Place/move swimmers into accounts and courses

Re-enrolment Module

Maximise customer retention with a low workload
  • Enrolment period courses are automatically highlighted
  • Setup pre-rendered email offer templates
  • Setup natural progression points for courses
  • Send 1-click offers to existing customer
  • Offers are accessed by member accounts
  • Offers have time out settings
  • Auto-enrolment by purchase
  • Offer numbers, places and statuses are highly visible
  • Offer feedback via members section

Marketing Admin Features

Quickly ascertain course popularity and performance
  • Powerful filtration
  • Assess performing and non performing courses
  • Collect interested parties / prospects
  • Export Lists
  • Directly correspond with lapsed customers
  • Easily create new courses
  • Easily update website

The Power of 1
Unified Platform

A dedicated set of connections, flows & triggers ensures the right information flows to the right people at the right time, meaning less administration overheads, fewer bottlenecks and a more informed customer base.

Request a demo

Designed to streamline admin & save time

Swimica has been specifically designed to alleviate the workload and headache of administration bottlenecks. Explore examples of how the plaform could save you time and resources.

Example 1

New customer management

Example 2


Example 3

Providing reports and certificates

Features summary

  • E-Commerce Website Programme and Course Builder
  • Integrated E-Commerce to Administration System
  • Customers can log in to see their upcoming classes
  • Customers can log in to review their course(s) history
  • Customers can log in to access and download certificates
  • Customers can log in to access payment receipts
  • New Customer data entry is automated
  • Controls to provide existing customers with priority places in new terms
  • Payments are handled via an internet-standard method
  • Filter to very specific groups or customers
  • Export or directly email filtered groups
  • Holistic brand experience
  • Use email templates to communicate specific operation or marketing messages to specific groups
  • Teacher portal automatically updates admin area and can directly inform customer accounts
  • Save 100’s of administration work hours each term
  • Save 1000’s of euros each term


1. Installation & Setup

Each swimica installation is built around each of our customer's business and swim school needs. Costs are calculated on a case by case basis as each build is custom



We dialogue to understand requirements, points of differentation and design specifics


Existing styles and branding are maintained on the frontend and various touchpoints


Your feature set and design specifics are built and integrated

Launch Prep

Training, onboarding and seed content are put in place

Go Live

The site is launched

2. Annual Subscription

After the installation and setup stage there will be an annually subscrition fee. Costs are calculated on your swim school size and active feature set



Your swimica platform is hosted and backed up


Version updates, bug and security fixes to the swimica engine are routine

Updated features

New, updated and improved features are ongoing

Customer Care

Our team are on hand to help you with issues or concerns

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